- Mon - Fri: 8.00 - 18.00
- Ceuti - Murcia
- (+34) 676 95 08 35
Ready for Digital Transformation in your company?
We help you introduce TECHNOLOGY and obtain and interpret data.
"Only what we know can we IMPROVE"
How much time is wasted finding the information we need?
Every day we handle a huge volume of digital documents. Your CONTROL is essential so that we can provide a TOP service to our clients. DO YOU WANT US TO TEACH YOU?
Fed up of SPENDING money on many applications?
At T-Organiza we analyze your company and ADVISE you. Automatic Recognition of Supplier Invoices, Linkage between Invoices and Delivery Notes, Automation of Documentary Processes, Remote Digital Signature (Zero Contact)...
Do you want your company to be ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY?
Being sustainable is being more competitive. Discover how to add value and benefit your organization.
Document Process Automation
We analyze the manual and repetitive processes of companies and convert them into Automatic and Unattended Processes. THIS WAY WE INCREASE EFFECTIVENESS
AI - Automatic Accounting with Self Learning
We automate supplier invoice data and make the system learn to identify suppliers, quantities, VAT... In this way WE MINIMIZE ERRORS
OCR - Optical Character Recognition
Optical Character Recognition System for automatic reading of texts as well as searching by content of digital documents.
Remote Digital Signature Platform
Remote Signature (contracts, RGPD, powers of attorney, etc.) with full legal validity and protected by time stamping and qualified certificate approved by EIDAS regulation 910/2014.

innovative solutions
We transform your ideas In fact
The main objective of the company is to spread a technological culture focused on helping our clients in all their processes.
Development of business projects
Search for opportunities
Strategic development plans
Make Document Management work in your business
We serve clients at all levels of their organization, whether as a TRUSTED ADVISOR to Senior Management or as a PRACTICAL TRAINER. Our clients' needs are constantly changing, so we continually provide new and better ways to HELP THEM.
marketing analysis
business innovation
finance strategy
corporate management
Our success stories
We want you to know some of our most relevant projects
Guided companies
in our 15 years
Finished and supported
amazing projects
Years of experience
at T-Organiza
Business excellence
Awards achieved

Are you ready for begin?
Please fill out the form to obtain a consultation. After processing the data, a personal manager will contact you.
We are here to help you
Meet our entire team
We want to help you see the world differently, to discover opportunities that you may have never imagined, and to achieve results that unite what is with what can be.
Mario Dólera2021-10-05 Da gusto trabajar con Pilar y Manu, conocen su producto y te ayudan a mejorar tus resultados. Gracias por vuestro asesoramiento. Francisco Domínguez2021-08-14 Busqué información referente a digitalización de documentos que solicitó un cliente. Eva sanchez-crespo2020-11-15 Empresa tremendamente profesional, de trato cercano y eficaz.
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