Descubre herramientas gratuitas para digitalizar y organizar documentos en tu empresa. Conoce software como Google Drive, Adobe Scan y NAPS2 para una gestión eficiente. Solicita asesoría.
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With the integration of new technologies in companies, a series of needs appear. One of them is digital transformation, which consists of incorporating technological tools that can help us manage our documentation in a more agile way. It is no surprise to hear that they are thinking about incorporating a system […]
What is a Document Manager and what is it for? Main functions: A DMS (Document Management System or Document Management System) allows companies to create, receive, classify, store, search and retrieve digital documents in a simple and efficient way within a single database. In addition to an organization and correct classification of documents, files […]
According to Alejandro Villar, director of Cybersecurity & Technology Risk at Repsol, we assume that sooner or later we are going to receive any type of computer attack or cyber attack, but the question we must ask ourselves is “If we receive a cyber attack… How are we going to react to it? What is my action plan?” Introduction: The Cyberattack in Spain In Spain, […]
What is a VPN? A VPN (virtual private network) connection redirects your internet traffic through a secure tunnel, masking your IP and encrypting your data. It provides you with online privacy and protects you from potential attacks. Advantages and disadvantages of a VPN Once we know what a VPN is we can […]